How to install Asterisk 11 On CentOS 6.x

How to install Asterisk 11 On CentOS 6.x

asterisk 11 installation

Update yum

Before going to install Asterisk 11 on CentOS 6.x first update your libraries by running following commands.

#  yum -y update

Install other packages

To install other necessary packages to install Asterisk 11 on CentOS 6.x run this command.

#  yum install -y make wget openssl-devel ncurses-devel newt-devel libxml2-devel kernel-devel gcc gcc-c++ sqlite-devel

Disable SELinux

 #  setenforce Permissive


 #  setenforce 0

Reboot server

After disable the selinux neeed to reboot server by following command

#  reboot

Downloading DAHDI Tarball

If you want to use DAHDI than you need to download DAHDI Taraball otherwise ignore it. You can download DHADI Tarball by following command.

#  cd /usr/src/

#  wget

Downlaod libPRI Tarball

For download libPRI tarball run following command on shell.

#  wget

Download Asterisk 11 Tarball

#  wget

Install DHADI and configuration

Now is the time to install DHADI and configure it. Only install DHADI in that case if you want to use Digium card or you needed. Run these commands on shell for DHADI's installation.

# cd /usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-2.6.2+2.6.2/

# make && make install && make config

Install libPRI

To install libPRI packages you need to run following commands.

# cd /usr/src/libpri-1.4.14/

# make && make install

Install And Configure Asterisk

Now time is to install and configure Asterisk you first to determine either your operating system is 32-bit or 64 bit.
Type following command to check your operating system either is 32-bit or 64-bit.

#  uname –a

Installing Asterisk on a 32-bit OS

Run following commands on your shell to install Asterisk on 32-bit operating system.

# cd /usr/src/asterisk-11.3.0/

# ./configure && make menuselect && make && make install && make samples && make config

Installing Asterisk on a 64-bit OS

Run following commands on your shell to install Asterisk on 64-bit operating system.

# cd /usr/src/asterisk-11.3.0/

# ./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64 && make menuselect && make && make install && make samples && make config

Start DHADI Service

After the installation and configuration now time is to start these services. First we start DHADI service by running following command on shell.

#  chkconfig dahdi on

#  service dahdi start

Start Asterisk Service

Using following commands in shell you can permanently start Asterisk services

#  chkconfig Asterisk on
#  service asterisk start

These are all the steps for the installation of Asterisk 11 on CentOS 6.x operating system.

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